Young college students gathered on the afternoon of Thursday, Oct. 20, for an orientation course conducted by Assolombarda with the participation of professionals in the field of business communication.
The importance of youth orientation
The idea was to create a time for sharing in order to provide an opportunity for both training and reflection for young university students in the field of business communication in such a way as to create professionals who are sensitive to the use of all communication tools, from advertising, on which the promotion of goods and services is traditionally based, to the new media related to the spread of the Internet.
As it has emerged from the latest studies, the field of communication has expanded to several related fields such as business management, marketing, organization, sociology, psychology, and consumer analysis in order to analyze markets; in addition to this, the public relations part cannot be missed in order to dialogue with the media, influencers, and public opinion.
The job market is constantly evolving, and the new professions in demand are many from Agency Producer to Press Office Accounts to specialized or hybrid communicators such as the Event Project Manager, an intervention advocated by Promoest CEO Barbara Colonnello.

The figure of the Event Project Manager
The professional who performs this activity: PLANS, DEVELOPS and finally REALIZES an event.
Planning consists of defining the objectives of the event and all the stakeholders involved, defining the type of event and the organizational model as well as the time schedule of the event. In this first phase, the services chosen and the logistics strategies i.e. hospitality, venues and facilities, catering, staging, audio/video transportation, security and safety should be determined.
The other do’s of the job consist of the pre-event organization and the conduct of the event; the former consists of the operational management of both participants and suppliers with the related negotiation and contracting of relationships and actual projects. The creation of the idea and content of the event comes only later followed then by the communication created ad hoc both inside and outside the client company. The activity related to cash flow control underlies all the processes described above.
The conduct and realization of the event is divided into a more operational part related to the coordination and direction of the event so as to maintain a precise schedule and quick execution times as well as criticality management (risk management) and the use of skills such as problem solving; and a part related to the business world and the management of finances and contractual conditions.
The new skills
Regarding the area of event design there have also been many innovations here in recent years and especially new research in the field expanding both in the IT area with the creation of quick accreditation Apps (e.g. Eventspass) or events made directly in the metaverse and in the field of psychology as User Experience Psychology can be. Last but certainly not least is the focus on sustainability applied to the sector, which is gaining momentum thanks in part to associations such as SinLab, which Promoest has joined since 2019.